Note that build-web is designed to run in a Unix or Unix like environment using GNU Tools. On Win32 (NT/Win2k/WinXP) platforms, you can use build-web inside of Cygwin.
If you are running on Win32, install Cygwin.
I recommend the full install of Cygwin and that you install with DOS (\r\n) line endings.
Then open a shell in Cygwin.
If you do not have Perl installed, install it. Note, A full install of Cygwin includes Perl.
You must have the File::Copy, File::Basename, File::Find and Cwd modules installed.
Download and install the build-web Scripts by unzipping into a projects directory. If you are using Cygwin on Win32, all of the build tools and your Web Project files should live inside of the normal Cygwin tree typically /home/userid (c:\cygwin\home\userid) in order that the Unix style paths work properly.
For example, I have the following setup where I unzipped the file into the /home/userid/projects/web directory :
Create a script which will be used to set environment variables for build-web and related projects. Define a variable for the location of the build-web project. For example in bash:
BUILD_WEB_DIR = ~/web-projects/build-web export BUILD_WEB_DIR
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