Class xbCalendarCellNodeMap — a simple class that creates the link architecture for an individual table cell, registers event handlers on the cell's link, and saves the cell-index of the cell in xbCalendar's cells array. Contributed by Jeremy Hoppe.
extends Class xbObject
class xbCalendarCellNodeMap : xbObject { public: xbCalendarCellNodeMap(Number cellIndex, HTMLTableCellElement cellNode, xbCalendar ownerCalendar); // properties Boolean hidden; Number index; HTMLAnchorElement linkNode; HTMLTableCellElement node; // methods void destroy(); }
readonly Boolean - true if the date-link inside the cell is hidden because it falls outside of the 'date range' defined by the xbCalendar widget's minDate and maxDate properties.
readonly Number - the index in the xbCalendar widget's cells array where this instance resides.
readonly HTMLAnchorElement - the link (which contains a numbered date) that belongs to the node table-cell
readonly HTMLTableCellElement - a reference to the corresponding table-cell in the calendar's table.
Constructs an instance of xbCalendarCellNodeMap
Number index - the current index in the xbCalendar.cells array, which is also node's cellIndex in the calendar table.
HTMLTableCellElement node - the table cell which the link will be appended to.
xbCalendar ownerCalendar - the instance of xbCalendar that is currently building this calendar. Used to register event handlers.
Destroys this instance of xbCalendarCellNodeMap.
Returns. Nothing