unordered lists - browser comparison

CSS2 8.1 Box dimensions tells us that margins are transparent while paddings have background-color.


Default List Notes


Shows the background-color of the ul for the marker area - uses padding to indent list items, padding for vertical separation of list items.


Does not show the background-color of the ul for the marker area - uses margin to indent list itemsi, padding for vertical separation of list items.


Does not show the background-color of the ul for the marker area - uses margin to indent list items, margin-top and margin-bottom for vertical separation of list items.

Navigator 4

Does not show the background-color of the ul for the marker area.

Shows the color/background-color of the ul as the color/background-color of the li instead of the defined values.

Default Nested List Notes


uses disc, circle, square for li markers


uses disc, circle, square for li markers


uses disc, disc, disc for li markers

Navigator 4

uses disc, circle, square for li markers

Compatible List Notes


Adjustments achieve xb appearance

Navigator 4

No effect on color/background-colors of margin/padding however increases the indentation of the list. These rules should be excluded from NN4

Compatible Nested List Notes


uses disc, circle, square for li markers


uses disc, circle, square for li markers


uses disc, disc, disc for li markers

Navigator 4

uses disc, disc, disc for li markers