These tests were created almost 2 years ago and may include some incorrect tests. If you discover any tests which are inappropriate please contact me.
Note that Mozilla, Netscape 6 and other Gecko based browsers test their native implementations of the DOM.
Internet Explorer 5 and up do not actually have a native DOM Core implementation. For these browsers, the installed version of the ActiveX Control MSXML is tested instead. Several work arounds were necessary to get the non-standard implementation of the DOM in IE to perform the tests.
Other browsers will probably not be able to run the tests at this time. As time and resources permit, these tests will be updated to provide better ability to test browsers other than Gecko and Internet Explorer.
Test your browser's support for the DOM Core Level 2 Specification.
Test your browser's support for the DOM HTML Level 2 Specification. Note that this test requires an extreme amount of memory and may not run to completion in IE6 if you choose all tests. If you do not have enough memory or if IE6 stalls, please select a smaller set of tests and try again.