Example Cross Browser JavaScript APis you can reuse, modify and redistribute. Download.

Note that much of xbProjects is undergoing revisions and is not currently stable. In addition, several APIs which have been written but not documented are being introduced even though the documentation for them has not been completed.


Jeremy Hoppe has contributed a cross browser DOM based Calendar object implemented in JavaScript.

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A Popup Calendar derived from xbCalendar by Jeremey Hoppe.

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Return the rv: value for Gecko browsers

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Practical Browser Sniffer

A Practical, Lightweight Browser Sniffing Script.

This script has been deprecated and is not recommended for general use.

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xbAnimatedElement - Cross Browser DHTML Animated Element

Animate positioned content in Gecko (Netscape 6, Netscape 7, CompuServe 7), Internet Explorer 4, Internet Explorer 5, Opera and Netscape 4. All you need supply is the path! [ go ]

xbArray - Cross Browser Array Object

A Cross Browser pseudo NodeList object. [ go ]

xbCookies - Cross Browser Cookies Object

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xbDebug - Cross Browser Debug API

Debugging Browsers which do not have interactive debuggers available can be an difficult job. Use xbDebug to enable function and object method tracing as well as performance profiling. Works in Netscape 6/Gecko, Netscape Navigator 4, Internet Explorer 4 and up, and Opera.

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xbDOM - Cross Browser DOM API

xbDOM provides basic functions which can be used in Netscape 6/Gecko, Netscape Navigator 4, Internet Explore 4 and up, as well as Opera to provide access to several useful properties. xbDOM is a companion to xbStyle.

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xbDOM2Core - Java Binding DOM 2 Core

Wraps an existing ECMA Binding of the DOM Core 2 and implements the DOM Core 2.

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xbDOMParser - Cross Browser Parser in JavaScript

Toy implementation of an HTML/XML Parser in JavaScript

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xbEvents - Cross Browser Events

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xbException - Cross Browser Exceptions

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xbLibrary - Manage dynamic script loading

xbLibrary is a small utility JavaScript object used by other scripts in xbProjects to dynamically load scripts from specified locations.

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xbMarquee - Cross Browser Marquee Object

xbMarquee allows you to easily embed Marquee like DHTML into your pages. Supports up, down, left, right directions with alternate directions on Netscape 4, Netscape 6, Netscape 7, CompuServe 7, Internet Explorer 4 and up.

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Emulate C++ class based single inheritance in JavaScript.

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xbPositionableElement - Cross Browser DHTML Positionable Element

xbPositionableElement is an Object Oriented API that can be used to fix the position in the browser's window thereby simulating the CSS 2 property position: fixed;. xbPositionableElement supports Netscape 6/Gecko as well as Netscape Navigator 4, Internet Explorer 4 and up as well as Opera 5 and up.

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xbStyle - Cross Browser Style API

xbStyle is an Object Oriented API that can be used to access and manipulate the Style properties in a wide variety of browsers. xbStyle supports Netscape 6/Gecko as well as Netscape Navigator 4, Internet Explorer 4 and up as well as Opera 5 and up.

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xbTreeWidgetStatic is an Object Oriented API that can be used to create DHTML Tree Widgets and serves as a highly effective replacement for xbCollapsibleLists. xbTreeWidgetStatic is intended to fully support DHTML for Netscape 6/Gecko and Internet Explorer 5 and up while providing a simple downlevel hierarchal display for downlevel browsers such as Netscape Navigator 4 and Opera 5/6.

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Layer Emulation API for Mozilla/Gecko

An Unsupported, Experimental API to provide limited support for the legacy Netscape Navigator 4.x Layer API.

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